Muni this fall with his mom Elja
Muni from Mykjunesi is after Elja from Þingeyri and the great Keilirsson Máttur from Leirubakka (8.49). Muni has his parents traits - very long legs and light built torso, high and soft movement. We are very happy about his neck which is long, soft and high set!
Muni´s big sister is Askja from Mykjunes who got 8.20 for riding abilities only 4 years old on last Landsmót 2012. We are very excited for Muni as a future stallion at Eyland!
Muni´s big sister is Askja from Mykjunes who got 8.20 for riding abilities only 4 years old on last Landsmót 2012. We are very excited for Muni as a future stallion at Eyland!