Hákon frá Ragnheiðarstöðum - IS2007182575

We own a share in Hákon from Ragnheiðarstöðum but he is brood by our good friends, Hannes and Inga at Hamarsey along with Helgi at Ragnheiðarstaðir. Hákon is very impressing young stallion with his high movements and sleek neck! His mother is Hátíð from Úlfsstöðum which got 10 for tölt only five years old. The father is the colorful stallion, Álfur from Selfoss. Hákon has to be a good tölter having mother with 10 for tölt and a father with 9.5! Very interesting.
He has his own homepage, and you can click on it here.
F: Álfur from Selfossi (8.46)
FF: Orri from Þúfu (8.34 - honor price for offsprings)
FM: Álfadís from Selfossi (8.31)
M: Hátíð from Úlfsstöðum (8.38)
MF: Kolfinnur from Kjarnholtum I (8.45 - honor price for offsprings)
MM: Harka from Úlfsstöðum (7.94)
BLUP : 120